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Monday, January 25, 2010

Why Do We Need To Consider Selling Crafts Online?

In September 2008, when the stock market crashed and the outlook for most of the economy is looking pretty bleak, business sites store chain leader Crafts sales reported an increase of 5% in August. Over 500,000 products sold in September to almost $ 8 million.

In total, Etsy craft sales tripled in 2008 over 2007, totaling more than $ 90 million in revenue for its business of arts and crafts that year. Remember, this growth in turnover of vessels has occurred despite the worst economic crisis of our generation.

In the 3 months after year, the last Christmas of 2008 in early March this year, 2009, over 150,000 items that include the word "hand" have been sold on eBay. That is 150. 000 copies for sale during the months of January, February and March, usually the slowest months of the year, sales of craft enterprises, even in a good economy.

Is your business getting its share of online sales Craft?

The good news is that those who sell handmade crafts in one of the businesses that are thriving in this recession. I am glad that I have a 'trade' that is not affected by the current economic downturn.

The bad news is that there are lots of competing craft business owners selling online and your sales have not taken off yet. So how do you get your share of the growing "buy handmade" trend?

The trick to actually make a profit are taking actions and not wasting time on what does not work. There are better ways that most people know to sell more of their crafts online


You can have all the skills under your belt that you need in this ebook to make a constant $1,574 a week, or even more, you can sell more from the comfort of your own home through a website or ebay !

Or you can just add to your hobby list with the added bonus of being able to make Birthday and Christmas presents !

If you decide to purchase, I really wish you the best of luck with this amazing skill that has seen me through all these years..

Get it HERE

All the best,


consxavier said...


Heather said...

I am interested in your book. Do you show how to make the keychains?

consxavier said...

@Heather: yes..i show how to create keychains



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