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Saturday, August 30, 2008

40% off ALL Jewelry Supplies at Prestons‏

The master wire artist is moving! their entire warehouse will be liquidated at 40% and more!

They did not move enough stock out at 30% off so they are going to bring it down to a whopping 40% OFF. It's cheaper to sell it at a loss then move it with three 18 wheelers. Everything is going to go.

We will sell everything down to the last item! that means:
gold wire, silver wire, findings, beads, DVDs and a whole lot more.

It's all gonna go.

P/S : I would recommend his wirename DVD for all those wire name bender out there who are interested in honing their skills and if you want to do part-time business doing these craft

It's enjoyable and it's a good place to express the creativity in you! you can make some extra money too doing it even on a part time basis.

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I bought the 'How to Make Wire Names" book and I am GLAD I found it. I am a 66 yr old disabled man on dialysis and now I have a way to make a living!

Doing wire names at festivals and farmers markets and my worst day I made $100. Usually I make between $200 & $300 a day. Not bad for "working" 10 hours on a weekend.

I love what I am doing and the people I meet making wire name pins and pendants
Thanks for showing me this opportunity...

By Peter Lansing

Get it Here

What Will You Get?

Now with 162 pages jam packed with Instructions and Photographs. This Skill could make all the difference to how you make money in the future..