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Sunday, September 7, 2008

wirename keychain with free music note design

RM5 for up to 6 letters. Thereafter, please add RM 1 for each letters.

This wirename keychain is made of non-rust artistic wire. This post is used the combination of Fuschia Pink colour to bend the names with colour yellow(lemon) for the music note.

The bar below the wire name function as the supporting bar for the wire name. I used size 20 Gauge wire so that it'll be easier to bend. Please contact for more info about the above product.
Remember the Golden Rule; If you could write or design something without lifting the pencil up, most of the time I could do it with wires. So try me and send me an e-mail with your orders.:)

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I bought the 'How to Make Wire Names" book and I am GLAD I found it. I am a 66 yr old disabled man on dialysis and now I have a way to make a living!

Doing wire names at festivals and farmers markets and my worst day I made $100. Usually I make between $200 & $300 a day. Not bad for "working" 10 hours on a weekend.

I love what I am doing and the people I meet making wire name pins and pendants
Thanks for showing me this opportunity...

By Peter Lansing

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What Will You Get?

Now with 162 pages jam packed with Instructions and Photographs. This Skill could make all the difference to how you make money in the future..