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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Internet Marketing Business

Internet marketing business: Have you ever heard about internet marketing? Ever thought of selling online? if yes, then what is the biggest question(s) that you are facing? Are you confused? or do you know exactly what to do?

For me, that was what I was facing when I first starting out. I was looking for ways to earn extra income online but I didn't know what to sell in the internet. So one of my friend who was doing internet business advised me that I can turn my hobby into a profitable business online.

So that's exactly what I did?

I found a new hobby..guess what? it's WIRE NAME..and I learn to bend my own wirename keychain. So after that, I learn about blogging and create contents on a weekly basis for this new blog.

Later on, I bought a digital camera that cost me about RM1600++. (You don't have to invest in such an expensive camera, lower end camera is good enough to capture your products pictures)

And then, I started bending wirename keychain and I took a few shots and post it up on my blog. In my blog post, I write about the keychain and about how to order from me. I also write about how they can contact me and most importantly I share free contents with them.

For a year and a half now, I've been earning some extra income online just by selling wirename keychains online. It helps me to pay my bills. Thank God for that. And now, I am looking for ways to expand my business and I know that by learning internet marketing, I will earn more. Why? you may ask me, it's simply because the more I LEARN, the more I EARN. Period!

So if you're visiting my blog, my advice to you is DON'T GIVE UP! and PERSEVERE! Sooner of later you will reap the harvest. Why? Because you REAP what you SOW!

OK? I hope this post benefits you and will help you to clear any questions that might arise when you're first starting.

Get the manual that helps me to be where I am today in my wire writing venture


You can have all the skills under your belt that you need in this ebook to make a constant $1,574 a week, or even more, you can sell more from the comfort of your own home through a website or ebay !

Or you can just add to your hobby list with the added bonus of being able to make Birthday and Christmas presents !

If you decide to purchase, I really wish you the best of luck with this amazing skill that has seen me through all these years..

Get it HERE

All the best,


Anonymous said...

The important thing for internet marketing for your product is to have a website for the product. This is the core of the important small business internet marketing tips. The site must be properly designed combining the different elements of designing in just the right proportion. See that the site has proper navigability and functionality, so that visitors keep coming back to your site to buy things.

You can search hundreds and thousands of tips on internet marketing, but what you have to do is utilize that which is best for bringing bring new clients to your site. Participate in as many forum discussions as possible in the internet. Prepare blogs for your site and make your presence felt everywhere in the internet.

consxavier said...

thanks Brayden=)

Apart from having a website for the is also very important to have TRAFFIC to our site because traffic is the lifeblood of the website..without one will know about your site..and if no one knows abt your one will know about the product...

Sylvester said...

One of the keys to internet marketing success is the "click through" strategy, where a product's hold to the customer will cause them to click on the product's new ad, getting them to "find and go to the product". This new product that is being obtainable must be significant to what the customer is looking for, thus the use of online surveys will help determine the products that are in and out. The utilization of online survey is one of the most important internet marketing strategies.

consxavier said...

@Sylvester : Thank you for you comment.Yeah, that will be the subject of my blog



I bought the 'How to Make Wire Names" book and I am GLAD I found it. I am a 66 yr old disabled man on dialysis and now I have a way to make a living!

Doing wire names at festivals and farmers markets and my worst day I made $100. Usually I make between $200 & $300 a day. Not bad for "working" 10 hours on a weekend.

I love what I am doing and the people I meet making wire name pins and pendants
Thanks for showing me this opportunity...

By Peter Lansing

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Now with 162 pages jam packed with Instructions and Photographs. This Skill could make all the difference to how you make money in the future..